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/ Omron Automation and Safety Products

Records 11086
Image Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock Quantity
ZN-DPS15-S Omron Automation and Safety DIFF. PRESS SENSING HD 10M CBL - 3,330
E8Y-A2Y-R Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSURE DIFF 0-2KPA NPN Module Box with Display 3,418
E8Y-A5Y-R Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSURE DIFF 0-5KPA NPN Module Box with Display 5,166
ZN-DPS11-S Omron Automation and Safety DIFF. PRESS SENSING HD 1.5M CB - 6,858
E8Y-A1B Omron Automation and Safety PRESSURE SENSOR DIFF DGTL DISPL Module Box with Display 2,430
E8Y-A2Y Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSURE DIFF 0-2KPA NPN Module Box with Display 5,868
E8M-A1 3M Omron Automation and Safety SENSR PRESSR DIFFRENTL 0-.145PSI Module 2,682
E8Y-A5Y Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSURE DIFF 0-5KPA NPN Module Box with Display 3,096
E8Y-AR2Y Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSUR DIFF 0-200KPA NPN Module Box with Display 3,096
E8Y-A5B Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSURE DIFF 0-5KPA PNP Module Box with Display 2,358
ZN-DPX21-SA Omron Automation and Safety DIFF. PRESSURE STATION - 8,352
ZN-DPS11C-S Omron Automation and Safety DIFF. PRESS SENSING HD 1.5M CB - 2,484
ZN-DPS15C-S Omron Automation and Safety DIFF. PRESS SENSING HD 10M CBL - 5,328
E8AA-M05 Omron Automation and Safety SENSR PRESSUR 0-500KPA .004-.02A Cylinder, Threaded 8,334
E8AA-M10 Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSURE 0-1MPA .004-.02A Cylinder, Threaded 8,514
E8CC-A01C Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSURE 1-5V 0-98KPA NPN Module Box with Display 5,994
E8CC-AN0C Omron Automation and Safety SENSR PRESSUR 1-5V -101-0KPA NPN Module Box with Display 3,510
E8CC-B10C Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSUR 1-5V 0-980KPA NPN Module Box with Display 2,160
E8EB-10B Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSUR 1-5V 0-980KPA PNP Module 5,904
E8EB-N0B2B Omron Automation and Safety SENSOR PRESSUR 1-5V 0-98KPA PNP Module 3,762