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/ Texas Instruments Products

Records 19610
Image Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock Quantity
PT7771N Texas Instruments REGU 32A 1.3-3.5V 5BIT VERT TH 27-SIP Module, Vertical 3,744
PT7747A Texas Instruments REGULATOR 24VIN 15A BOOSTER HORZ 27-SIP Module, Horizontal 3,654
PT7751A Texas Instruments REGU 15A 24VIN 2.5V TO 5.6VOUT H 27-SIP Module, Horizontal 8,478
PT7772A Texas Instruments REGU32A 1.30-2.05V 4BIT 680UF HO 27-SIP Module, Horizontal 8,316
PT7751C Texas Instruments REGU 15A 24VIN 2.5V TO 5.6VOUT S 27-SMD Module 8,118
PT7772C Texas Instruments REGU32A 1.30-2.05V 4BIT 680UF HO 27-SMD Module 5,346
PT7772N Texas Instruments REGU32A 1.30-2.05V 4BIT 680UF VE 27-SIP Module, Vertical 2,052
PT7773A Texas Instruments REGU 32A 0.8-1.3V 5BIT HORIZ TH 27-SIP Module, Horizontal 3,400
PT7773C Texas Instruments REGU 32A 0.8-1.3V 5BIT HORIZ SMD 27-SMD Module 4,212
PT78HT265S Texas Instruments REG SW 6.5V 2A SMD 3-SMD Module 7,380
PT7773N Texas Instruments REGU 32A 0.8-1.3V 5BIT VERT TH 27-SIP Module, Vertical 3,024
PT78HT265T Texas Instruments REGULATOR 2A 6.5V TAB MOUNT 3-SIP Module 7,830
PT78NR108ST Texas Instruments REGULATOR -8V 0.55A 3SIP SMD 3-SMD Module 8,712
PT7774A Texas Instruments REGU 32A 0.65V-2.20V 5BIT HORZ 27-SIP Module, Horizontal 5,400
PT78HT265V Texas Instruments REG SW 6.5V 2A VERT 3-SIP Module 6,192
PT78NR108V Texas Instruments REGULATOR -8V 0.55A 3SIP VERT 3-SIP Module 8,244
PT78NR152V Texas Instruments REG SW -5.2V 1A VERT 3-SIP Module 5,040
PT7777A Texas Instruments REGU 32A 1.3-3.5V 5BIT 680UF HOR 27-SIP Module, Horizontal 7,380
PT78NR103V Texas Instruments REG SW -3V 1A VERT 3-SIP Module 8,262
PT78NR109H Texas Instruments REG SW -9V .55A HORZ 3-SIP Module 3,276