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global-skychips - Online Electronic Parts/Components Supplier Thyristors - TRIACs
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Thyristors - TRIACs

Records 660
Image Part Number Manufacturer Description Package Stock Quantity
CQ218I-40D Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 40A 400V TO-218 TO-218-3 5,920
CQ202-4BS-2 Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 7,472
CQ218-45D Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 45A 400V TO-218 TO-218-3 5,024
CQ202-4MS-2 Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 4,432
BCR4AS-16LHT13#B00 Renesas Electronics America TRIAC 800V 4A TO-252-3, DPak (2 Leads + Tab), SC-63 3,456
CQ218I-40M Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 40A 600V TO-218 TO-218-3 3,376
CQ202-4BS-LF02 Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC INT TRIGG 200V 4A TO-202 TO-202 Long Tab 2,752
CQ202-4N Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 6,208
CQ218-45M Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 45A 600V TO-218 TO-218-3 5,552
CQ218I-40N Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 40A 800V TO-218 TO-218-3 3,088
CQ202-4D Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 5,600
CQ202-4N-2 Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 7,184
CQ218-45N Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 45A 800V TO-218 TO-218-3 7,648
CQ202-4D-2 Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 4,192
CQ48-25M Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 25A 600V TO-48 TO-208AA, TO-48-3, Stud 5,104
CQ202-4NS Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 2,880
CQ202-4DS Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 3,808
CQ48-35M Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 35A 600V TO-48 TO-208AA, TO-48-3, Stud 4,256
CQ202-4NS-2 Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 4,784
CQ202-4DS-2 Central Semiconductor Corp TRIAC 4A TH TO-202-2 TO-202 Short Tab 4,576